HTLC module allows you to manage local Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLCs) for atomic swaps with other chains.

There are the following states involved in the lifecycle of an HTLC:

  • open: indicates the HTLC is claimable
  • completed: indicates the HTLC has been claimed
  • expired: indicates the HTLC is expired and refundable
  • refunded: indicates the HTLC has been refunded

Available Commands

Name Description
create Create an HTLC
claim Claim an opened HTLC
refund Refund from an expired HTLC
htlc Query details of an HTLC

iris tx htlc create

Create an HTLC

iris tx htlc create \
    --to=<recipient> \
    --receiver-on-other-chain=<receiver-on-other-chain> \
    --amount=<amount> \
    --secret=<secret> \
    --hash-lock=<hash-lock> \
    --timestamp=<timestamp> \
    --time-lock=<time-lock> \


Name, shorthand Type Required Default Description
--to string Yes Bech32 encoding address to receive coins
--receiver-on-other-chain string The claim receiving address on the other chain
--amount string Yes Similar to the amount in the original transfer
--secret bytesHex The secret for generating the hash lock, generated randomly if omitted
--hash-lock bytesHex The sha256 hash generated from secret (and timestamp if provided), generated from secret if omitted
--time-lock string Yes The number of blocks to wait before the asset may be returned to
--timestamp uint The timestamp in seconds for generating hash lock if provided

Create an HTLC

iris tx htlc create \
--from=node0 \
--to=faa1zx6n0jussc3lx0dk0rax6zsk80vgzyy7kyfud5 \
--receiver-on-other-chain=0xcd2a3d9f938e13cd947ec05abc7fe734df8dd826 \
--amount=10iris \
--secret=382aa2863398a31474616f1498d7a9feba132c4bcf9903940b8a5c72a46e4a41 \
--time-lock=50 \
--timestamp=1580000000 \
--fees=0.3iris \

iris tx htlc claim

Claim an opened HTLC

iris tx htlc claim [hash-lock] [secret] [flags] --from=mykey

iris tx htlc refund

Refund from an expired HTLC

iris tx htlc refund [hash-lock] [flags] --from=mykey

iris query htlc htlc

Query details of an HTLC

iris query htlc htlc <hash-lock>

Query details of an HTLC

iris query htlc htlc bae5acb11ad90a20cb07023f4bf0fcf4d38549feff486dd40a1fbe871b4aabdf

After that, you will get the detailed info for the HTLC.

        Sender:               faa1a2g4k9w3v2d2l4c4q5rvvu7ggjcrfnynvrpqze
        To:                   faa1zx6n0jussc3lx0dk0rax6zsk80vgzyy7kyfud5
        ReceiverOnOtherChain: 0xcd2a3d9f938e13cd947ec05abc7fe734df8dd826
        Amount:               10iris
        Secret:               382aa2863398a31474616f1498d7a9feba132c4bcf9903940b8a5c72a46e4a41
        Timestamp:            1580000000
        ExpireHeight:         59
        State:                completed